All Categories
Chemical Reagent

称量 分析仪器 光学仪器 力学仪器 电化学仪器 合成/纯化 混合/分离 加热/制冷 粉碎/切削 气象/环境检测 箱体/存储/干燥 送液/加压/减压 清洗/净化/消毒


Inorganic liquid detection Medical detection Animal residue detection Environmental detection Pesticide residue detection Food detection Matrix detection Engineering Technology detection Steel detection Metal Material detection Detection of polymer materials Physical detection Chemical detection Geological detection Imported reference materials


Complaint suggestions

About complaints and suggestions


1) The purpose of complaints: to circumvent the quality of trading services, to improve the experience of platform trading, and to enhance the value of the brand and user recognition.

2) Suggestions: spill your unhappiness and complaints, valuable suggestions about trading experience and ideas for platform improvement to us, your suggestions are the most valuable asset that we can live well, and our mission is to make the trading experience of the platform continuously improved!

3) Complaint phone: scientific grain and grass officer - 13829279886

4) Complaint/suggestion email:


Thank you again for your great support! Your small step is a big step forward for the Scientific Grain and Herb Library - China Cloud Reagent Platform team!

Everything, for your reaction!